Residential Carpet Cleaning

Freedom Carpet Cleaning believes that a healthy house starts with clean carpets.

Nothing cleans more thoroughly or protects your investment better than Freedom Carpet Cleaning’s steam cleaning method, also known as hot water extraction. This method of cleaning is preferred by most carpet manufacturers, including Shaw Industries, the largest manufacturer of carpet in the world. Freedom uses the best truck mount available today.

“We had the pleasure of working with Freedom Carpet Cleaning to clean our carpets and upholstery before we placed our Chestnut Hill home on the market. We received tremendous feedback from all the brokers and potential buyers that our home showed better than any home that they had seen. The current real estate market requires one to differentiate a property. Freedom Carpet Cleaning is a tremendous resource that gives your property the edge.”

“Freedom Carpet Cleaning was amazing, getting all the stains from 2 young children and two large dogs out of the carpeting. We thought we would have to replace it all, but Freedom Carpet Cleaning made everything look ‘brand new’.”

Do you rent a portable cleaner from a rental shop to do it yourself? It sounds like a good idea because you can do it when you want and save a few dollars. Next time ask yourself these questions before you rent:

• Do you really have any expertise in evaluating the type of cleaning your carpet needs?
• Did you know that you can cause irreversible damage and most commonly, over-wetting of the carpets?
• Have you ever had your carpets cleaned with a portable extractor and it looked good the day it was cleaned, but as the carpet dries the stains reappear?

The residue left on your carpets can make the carpet dirtier within a matter of days, not to mention the potential problems from mold and mildew. Renting a machine will cost you more money in the long run. You could also need to replace your carpets sooner because they are not maintained properly. Portable machines inject soap or detergent into the carpet and suction it back up. It is impossible for these machines to completely rinse the soap out of your carpet. The soap residue left in your carpet can act like a magnet to attract dirt. The result — your carpets become dirty again almost overnight. To maximize your investment you need a professional cleaner that will get your carpets clean and keep them that way.

Examples of Residential Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning at a residence in Westford, MA

Carpet Cleaning at a residence in Westford, MA

On this carpet cleaning job in Westford, MA, we pre-sprayed, agitated and extracted using hot water or steam cleaning. Carpets need to be cleaned once a year to keep your warranty and also the longevity of your investment.  [gallery columns="2" link="file"...

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